Hello there! It´s been a while. I have had my hands full with Easter and sick children. When everyone thought spring was coming it started to snow like never before. We haven't made a snowman in two years and suddenly there was enough snow for that kind of activity last Sunday. We were out all four in the family enjoying the snow. I think I was the one enjoying it the most. Today most of the snow is gone with the rain. Hopefully we have some warm winds coming in soon. Could you send some here... I know I have some visitors from places like Hawaii, China, Portugal, Africa and other places with agreeable climate.
In Sweden we have lots of space and green areas. The older generation live in their houses in nice enviroments. The younger generations pay huge amounts of money to buy their place to build and live. Me and Fred have been dreaming about a house for several years. The house prices have increased in a frightening way the past years. One thing is for sure: we should have bought a long time ago. Today you have to put everything you can earn in a house if you want one. Today old houses are as expensive as new houses so we are thinking about building one. To build a house in Sweden is like living out a Kafka story. We have lots of green areas and lots of rules what to do with them. We found a spot where we wanted to build a house. The owner wants to sell. The neighbour doesn´t want any new people around. Some time ago when the road comittee in this area was having a meeting the members joked with this man and told him that he ought to come up with some rare kind of sponge so that they wouldn´t have to have any newbies coming there. After this that guy told the town council about a very special kind of sponge only he has seen. They trusted him. Since it is difficult to find a place to build here we are anxious to do it right here where the owner wants to sell. We are also much into green living so if there is a rare sponge we also think it should be protected and it would have been safe in my garden. The problem is that no one seem to have seen this sponge and we wonder if it is only in this guy's head. It is strange in Sweden cause the owner of this land can do whatever he want with the area as long as he's not building a house.
We never thought the city council would object to this for a fungas noone care to go out and confirm is really there. Do we have people from the petticoat government ruling our city?!
This seem like a funny story that is not so funny for us and we would sure need some help to solve this.
So one thing to learn from this is that if you don´t want someone to build in sweden just come up with a funny sponge. It seems to work.
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