Written 22´nd of December.
This Christmas has been pretty smooth. Not many Christmas gifts to buy and we are not celebrating in our home. We are not travelling far to our family. Yet I can´t find time to do the usual things. My Christmas cards are still laying in the kitchen. I knew this was coming so I am aiming for a new year card this year.
It doesn´t feel like Christmas this year. It is pretty warm outside and not a single snow flake is around. This morning we had our Chrismas brunch with our dear neighbours and friends. It is nice to start the Christmas weekend by sitting at a table full of food and just take it cool and chat. The children were playing and opening presents and had their fun for the day. We compared the gift we got from the companies where we work and F told us he got an Olympus digital camera with 7megapixels resolution. All and every one of those from his employer. Not bad. I wouldn´t mind getting an extra camera. This thing with buying gifts to the employees must be difficult for the one responsible. They can never find something that everyone like. I couldn´t imagine what that might be. Money? Free time? I don´t know what I would buy. Something extra special I think. Glass or hand made stuff. I wouldn´t like my employees to asscociate my company with cheap shit. Maybe thats why I am having this webshop. I like quality and hand made stuff with nice design.
The funniest things with Christmas has nothing to do with yourself. It is to see Christmas through childrens’ eyes. They believe Santa is really coming and they behave cause I would tell Santa otherwise. Today Neo who is fully into learning the Swedish language got confused about Polkagris (candy) and gris (pig). I don´t think about that these words are almost the same but very different. Anyway my mother suggested he make a pig (gris) in marzipan and Neo made a polkagris stick in marzipan. That was the first I have ever seen. He doesn´t like marzipan and let me have the whole creation. I didn´t mind eating it. It was very delicious.
Today the postman delivered the post on a Saturday. That only happens the Saturday before Christmas day. We got some cards today. I have been eager to send cards past few years but this year I am just enjoying others. It is fun to see all crativity among everyone.
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